Just want to say that I'm having SO SO SO much fun with this game. The concept is tried and tested through the original games, and this is a fluid and seamless tribute to that, whilst possessing it's own flavour and unique narrative. H-scenes aside, it's a really fun game and gives me so much nostalgia. H-scenes included... well, even better ;D
I really hope this keeps getting attention and updates. I would be willing to donate to see this. Until then, I'm gonna keep grinding to max out and upgrade everything. To anyone wondering whether to download, it's an overwhelming yes from me. You'll have bucketloads of fun, trust me.
Thank you so much @FerisLycan for this masterpiece-in-the-making!! <3
(not a sponsored message I promise; I'm just stupidly obsessed with the game :3)
Good game. I just wish every enemy was't SUPER STRONG against Lucario. Almost every enemy is a lucario counter and if you get spawned next to multiple enemies you kind of just lose.
The idea was that Lucario's supposed to be strong in itself, but still gets crushed by every other enemy causing them to be more careful, causing that added effect of humiliation
Though I realize that it just causes the game to get a higher difficulty spike because of it
I guess for now, always try to have a helpful Orb or Seed with you to use in such situations
Kinda makes sense but it just kinda disappoints me that i'm getting gate kept from the other content from that since it seem to keep spawning 3+ enemies next to me every 4-6 rooms and surrounding me with traps. I guess i'll wait for some sort of difficulty update. Sorry for the rant.
The problem is that new character means loooots of new scenes. I could have it so certain chars can only go to certain dungeons, so I won't have to multiply the scenes, but I'm not sure if that's going to happen in the next few updates
Yes, it's planned to slowly add art to all game overs over the course of the next updates
Oh in NO way did i expect anything like a new character soon. I expect youd probably add more enemies and loss scenes sooner than a new playable character. Plus adding anything is a lot of work. I just wanted to ask cuz why not. Thanks for responding!
Yeesss, the next update (0.3) was supposed to allow the player to dominate enemies when corruption is high enough, but due to the time needed for that, that'll either be pushed to 0.4 or only partially implemented with just 1 or 2 enemies
Bug Report; audio settings arent referencing the same game object properly (or they are, but they arent being saved properly), and are set to the default values every time you load into a level. i was setting the audio level to 0 for both sounds and music in this instance. if you arent able to reproduce the issues, make sure to wipe the save game and try to reproduce it again.
Thank you for the report! Don't worry, I'm already aware of it and have it fixed in the current (next) version. For testing, I set the audio value to 50%, but (for some reason) forgot to remove that. So now it defaults back to 50% whenever audio options are loaded
The balancing of the game itself is def a little off but there's a good foundation and I'm genuinely excited to see this be updated more and more to be honest, for sure continue on this project and continue doing great lewd work <3
Only feedback I have is lowering the damage on units in general especially later on in dungeons as people like Espeon even on floor 20's is able to one shot crit you with a psychic and ruin the entire mood, most of everything is fine outside of the damage on most of the units being a bit too high other than that I think the dungeons are fairly true to how actual PMD is. If this comes to be a fully fleshed out game that'd be exciting as fuck.
Look I don't know if it's because I'm bad at the game or not but it's too difficult! It spawns me right next to an enemy and I'm facing away from them, so by the time I turn towards them they already have half my health gone and then I faint and get a game over 90% of the time so I never have money or any of the items I collected anymore, that's all before even leaving F1 mostly
"Look I don't know if it's because I'm bad at the game or not but it's too difficult! It spawns me right next to an enemy and I'm facing away from them,"...
You can use Shift on your keyboard to rotate without taking a turn allowing you to face the enemie or face away to wards an escape.
"so by the time I turn towards them they already have half my health gone and then I faint and get a game over 90% of the time."...
Using move's like Extreme speed to attack trough enemies is an offenive way to use it, but it can also be used to move yourself to a safer space or even trough walls if the is space on the other side.
An other option is to use an item in these types of Situations like: stun seeds, sleep seeds and blast seeds if there is one around you with the throw command. or the use of items like: slumber orb and spurn orb if there are multiple enemies.
Having atleast 1 'out of jail free card' on you can make you reach further if you also use it.
"so I never have money or any of the items I collected anymore,"...
Selling the obtained items at the shop can give you some room to improve, while slower it's still better than nothing. Just don't for get to put the left overs off the haul into you bank or storage.
"that's all before even leaving F1 mostly"
That is either overexaturated or really impressive as on early flours i find that enemies wait a turn before they do anything allowing you to buff or start of with a fight or just run away if you can make the distance.
The only tip after that is to just take your time, as the game is turn based, and expirement with new items just as much as learning to use diffrend moves and playstyle from Smeargle and the runes from Hazel the Braixen see what you like and can use against or with curses if you pick those type of missions.
It might be slightly exaggerated but, 100 percent serious. The first trip I took into the dungeon I spawned right next to a ditto so I was getting attacked and fainted pretty quickly, I didn't know about the Turning with shift so thank you for explaining that. And I still have no way nor clue how to leave the dungeon in order to sell all the items I collected.
What does "Rune of Desire" do? I've been through the dungeon a few times and haven't noticed any changes. I assume it has to do with that empty mat in town?
I have done over 2 hours of game over laps to see Haunter's bonus game over scene and still have not been able to see it. I feel like I should review the odds. As for the regular scene, the probability also seemed low.
I have verified that all kinks are enabled and Riley is male,but I haven't encountered yet.I have encountered Haunter's bonus regular scene.Are there any special requirements to see the bonus game over scene?
Not yet! Though, if you need a 2nd save spot, you can simply rename the save files in AppData/LocalLow/FerisLycan/Pocket Dungeon (Add a 2 to their name or something, and when you want to switch them back, switch the names of the new save file and the old one)
This game is awesome however it has one major problem that really needs to be fixed. That problem is the move Disable. In this game it straight up disables all of your moves except the basic default tackle. In all titles of Pokemon that is not how this move works. In the original games Disable blocks the last move used. Any hardcore Pokemon fan who has played since Gen 1 knows this. Please fix this problem everytime Hypno pulls this craps whenever I am dealing with a freaking hoard. It is an immediate death sentence. The Block pad (or Cross pad I don't know what you call it) does basically the same thing. Basically the move block mechanic should really be fixed. Any ways just thought I would throw that out there.
I am not good at English. I think it can be impregnation scenes.such as ninetales,There could be a chance to cowgril .and egg can be more usefull,such a special trap or monster house can let some of them because a PM enemy. or every floor. they will know 1 or 2 you moves
I am a Japanese who is not good at English, but I am enjoying this game very much. I look forward to future updates. Sending you a message of cheer from Japan! Keep up the good work! (I use DeepL translation, sorry if it is hard to read. )
I see there's a guide to all endings, but could we have one for all equipment as well? From what I can tell there is only a single equipment that is exclusively beneficial, with all the rest having drawbacks (most too crippling to make the item practical) if not strictly negative.
Since this is just a small demo with lots of balancing to be done, the effects of equipment or even how equipments work as a whole will probably (most likely) change in the next update So far, the idea was that every equipment that has a negative effect can either be used for certain endings or has a second major upside
Love the game so far hope more Pokémon and also female varients will be added but I do have one question I've explored a lot the furthest I've gotten is floor 31 and yet I still don't know what the pink heart carpet is for anyone know because it bothers me that I can't find out what it's for XD
PS: hope you will add a feature that allows you to use the eggs you gain from the dungeon and have a small chance to hatch them then the little guy might help you in the dungeon like a little follower that does stuff just a thought but great game keep up the excellent work :)
I can attest to this too, though more info: It procs correctly on the first proc, on the 10th enemy, but after that every enemy killed causes it to proc, meaning you can get to absurd healths absurdly quick.
Don't know where else to report bugs, so I'll say it here. I found a freeze using one of the new runes, the one that causes the "explosions". When defeating an enemy with extreme speed, with an enemy behind them, the "explosion" damage will apply, but probably because they're being damaged twice at once by the extreme speed and the "explosion" it causes the game to hang and be unrecoverable.
Make sure you're a female, and arcanine is the only pokemon who can really impreg in the conventional way. Oh, and make sure it's turned on, of course.
If you have oviposition enabled, there are different traps that impregnate the player. Without it, you can only be impregnated by Ditto and Arcanine when being female and having breeding enabled
I do hope to see more, particularly some scenes that aren't defeats would be nice. There's a market for that, sure, but not all your players are bottoms!
Where's the game's save data stored? mine keeps crashing upon any attempt to start it, so that's the only thing i can think of doing after trying most other common solutions.
apparently the fix to this problem is to restart your pc, see that it isn't fixed, then wait for 8 hours for absolutely nothing to change and it to fix itself
The Haunter special scene is bugged right now, and only occurs when being hypnotized by one (meaning you have to have that kink enabled for it happen). In the scene itself, you get a cage, meaning that you are not allowed to wear one while trying to get it.
The two endings are the Chastity Ending (the lock is inconveniently the same used for the ending sprite) and the other is the Itemized ending. Getting the Chastity Ending requires you to submit to 15 enemies while wearing a cage during one run. The other one requires you to get hit by Itemize, an attack that turns Pokemon into items. You can sometimes get that one from Smeargle.
You are probably talking about Lucario Icon in Sex Scenes, this event occurs with itself. Try to keep Lust at 100 long enough without submit to a pokemon to trigger the event
Not really much you can do, to be honest! I don't take money for this or have anything else you can support me with, other than following my socials, I guess? I'm also currently pretty busy and not really able to continue working on this anyways
It looks like you can't cleanse the Curse of Forgetfulness, unlike other curses, is that intentional? If I'd known I couldn't cleanse it, I wouldn't have picked it up.
Also, any chance of being able to flip the script and top/dom the other Pokemon, perhaps by defeating them or using certain items on them?
Is there some specific requirement I need for the Haunter bonus scene to happen? It's the only scene I haven't found yet, and at this point I'm at a total loss.
Damn. I had everything enabled, and it's not an exaggeration to say I've submitted to Haunter (or was defeated by it) well over a hundred times before giving up and posting this. All kinks, male Lucario, no cage yet. Am I just getting extremely unlucky?
There seems to be a bug right now that only allows this ending to show when getting hypnotized, but not while submitting... Also these are the exact requirements, the chance should be 10%: -Male -No chastity cage -Not impregnated -Chastity kink must be enabled
Weirdly enough, I've been trying to find this rare crash myself as I've heard about it a few times, but so far I have no idea what's triggering it :c Also, yeah, might be a good idea to cap certain effects. Thanks for enjoying this game ^^
The Arca...something ending is pretty damn sexy though! But yeah, not super focused on the breeding aspect, moreso just being turned into a sex toy rather then a breeding bitch (there is a difference).
I'll probably make a post about it, detailing how each ending can be gotten The dream one is getting a lot of different effects and each trader (except for Mightyena) does have an ending tied to them
← Return to game
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Just want to say that I'm having SO SO SO much fun with this game. The concept is tried and tested through the original games, and this is a fluid and seamless tribute to that, whilst possessing it's own flavour and unique narrative. H-scenes aside, it's a really fun game and gives me so much nostalgia. H-scenes included... well, even better ;D
I really hope this keeps getting attention and updates. I would be willing to donate to see this. Until then, I'm gonna keep grinding to max out and upgrade everything. To anyone wondering whether to download, it's an overwhelming yes from me. You'll have bucketloads of fun, trust me.
Thank you so much @FerisLycan for this masterpiece-in-the-making!! <3
(not a sponsored message I promise; I'm just stupidly obsessed with the game :3)
Aww, thank you <3
Good game. I just wish every enemy was't SUPER STRONG against Lucario. Almost every enemy is a lucario counter and if you get spawned next to multiple enemies you kind of just lose.
The idea was that Lucario's supposed to be strong in itself, but still gets crushed by every other enemy causing them to be more careful, causing that added effect of humiliation
Though I realize that it just causes the game to get a higher difficulty spike because of it
I guess for now, always try to have a helpful Orb or Seed with you to use in such situations
Kinda makes sense but it just kinda disappoints me that i'm getting gate kept from the other content from that since it seem to keep spawning 3+ enemies next to me every 4-6 rooms and surrounding me with traps. I guess i'll wait for some sort of difficulty update. Sorry for the rant.
I'm trying to balance a few things for next update
Good stuff. Any plans for character other than the lucario? I know the joke at the games start means most likely not, but hey might as well ask.
Also, are you going to add scenes eventually for endings? Like the umbrella ending scene or other specially gotten ends?
The problem is that new character means loooots of new scenes. I could have it so certain chars can only go to certain dungeons, so I won't have to multiply the scenes, but I'm not sure if that's going to happen in the next few updates
Yes, it's planned to slowly add art to all game overs over the course of the next updates
Oh in NO way did i expect anything like a new character soon. I expect youd probably add more enemies and loss scenes sooner than a new playable character. Plus adding anything is a lot of work. I just wanted to ask cuz why not. Thanks for responding!
This is absolutely fantastic!
Any chance of non-bottoming scenes? Would love to see more, regardless.
Yeesss, the next update (0.3) was supposed to allow the player to dominate enemies when corruption is high enough, but due to the time needed for that, that'll either be pushed to 0.4 or only partially implemented with just 1 or 2 enemies
Will there be an android version?
It's not planned but not impossible in the future
Bug Report;
audio settings arent referencing the same game object properly (or they are, but they arent being saved properly), and are set to the default values every time you load into a level. i was setting the audio level to 0 for both sounds and music in this instance.
if you arent able to reproduce the issues, make sure to wipe the save game and try to reproduce it again.
Thank you for the report!
Don't worry, I'm already aware of it and have it fixed in the current (next) version. For testing, I set the audio value to 50%, but (for some reason) forgot to remove that. So now it defaults back to 50% whenever audio options are loaded
is zeraora ever going to be playable character
I unfortunately don't think so
The balancing of the game itself is def a little off but there's a good foundation and I'm genuinely excited to see this be updated more and more to be honest, for sure continue on this project and continue doing great lewd work <3
Only feedback I have is lowering the damage on units in general especially later on in dungeons as people like Espeon even on floor 20's is able to one shot crit you with a psychic and ruin the entire mood, most of everything is fine outside of the damage on most of the units being a bit too high other than that I think the dungeons are fairly true to how actual PMD is. If this comes to be a fully fleshed out game that'd be exciting as fuck.
Thank you for the feedback! ^^
Yeah, balancing a game like this is really hard, so it might take a bit to find the sweet spot for everything
Look I don't know if it's because I'm bad at the game or not but it's too difficult! It spawns me right next to an enemy and I'm facing away from them, so by the time I turn towards them they already have half my health gone and then I faint and get a game over 90% of the time so I never have money or any of the items I collected anymore, that's all before even leaving F1 mostly
"Look I don't know if it's because I'm bad at the game or not but it's too difficult! It spawns me right next to an enemy and I'm facing away from them,"...
You can use Shift on your keyboard to rotate without taking a turn allowing you to face the enemie or face away to wards an escape.
"so by the time I turn towards them they already have half my health gone and then I faint and get a game over 90% of the time."...
Using move's like Extreme speed to attack trough enemies is an offenive way to use it, but it can also be used to move yourself to a safer space or even trough walls if the is space on the other side.
An other option is to use an item in these types of Situations like: stun seeds, sleep seeds and blast seeds if there is one around you with the throw command. or the use of items like: slumber orb and spurn orb if there are multiple enemies.
Having atleast 1 'out of jail free card' on you can make you reach further if you also use it.
"so I never have money or any of the items I collected anymore,"...
Selling the obtained items at the shop can give you some room to improve, while slower it's still better than nothing. Just don't for get to put the left overs off the haul into you bank or storage.
"that's all before even leaving F1 mostly"
That is either overexaturated or really impressive as on early flours i find that enemies wait a turn before they do anything allowing you to buff or start of with a fight or just run away if you can make the distance.
The only tip after that is to just take your time, as the game is turn based, and expirement with new items just as much as learning to use diffrend moves and playstyle from Smeargle and the runes from Hazel the Braixen see what you like and can use against or with curses if you pick those type of missions.
It might be slightly exaggerated but, 100 percent serious. The first trip I took into the dungeon I spawned right next to a ditto so I was getting attacked and fainted pretty quickly, I didn't know about the Turning with shift so thank you for explaining that. And I still have no way nor clue how to leave the dungeon in order to sell all the items I collected.
I see, bad luck happens.
for how to get to the town, you need to play on either 0.2.0 or 0.2.1 (the current newest).
in the those there is also an item to let you escape. i'll let you figerout the rest of it.
What does "Rune of Desire" do? I've been through the dungeon a few times and haven't noticed any changes. I assume it has to do with that empty mat in town?
that mat is supposedly for a later update involveing the eggs
When you get a scene while having the rune equipped, you'll unlock all versions of it
The mat is for a character coming in a future update
I have done over 2 hours of game over laps to see Haunter's bonus game over scene and still have not been able to see it. I feel like I should review the odds. As for the regular scene, the probability also seemed low.
When submitting to Haunter or being hypnotized by it, there's a 20% chance of it happening, if the character is:
-Not wearing a chastity cage
-Not impregnated
Also the Chastity kink must be enabled
I have verified that all kinks are enabled and Riley is male,but I haven't encountered yet.I have encountered Haunter's bonus regular scene.Are there any special requirements to see the bonus game over scene?
Ohhhh okay that's a bug, you can't get the Special game over currently
Thanks for making me aware of that
Hi is there a option to mod/change save file? (2nd savespot or add some stuff?)
Not yet!
Though, if you need a 2nd save spot, you can simply rename the save files in AppData/LocalLow/FerisLycan/Pocket Dungeon
(Add a 2 to their name or something, and when you want to switch them back, switch the names of the new save file and the old one)
when it says press the e button it doesn't work
The game's save data is stored in AppData/LocalLow/FerisLycan/Pocket Dungeon
Could you try to delete it, then try again?
trying as soon as my pc turns on
i don't see app data
i only see app info no app data
If you're on Windows you can press Win + R and then type in %appdata% to get to it
This game is awesome however it has one major problem that really needs to be fixed. That problem is the move Disable. In this game it straight up disables all of your moves except the basic default tackle. In all titles of Pokemon that is not how this move works. In the original games Disable blocks the last move used. Any hardcore Pokemon fan who has played since Gen 1 knows this. Please fix this problem everytime Hypno pulls this craps whenever I am dealing with a freaking hoard. It is an immediate death sentence. The Block pad (or Cross pad I don't know what you call it) does basically the same thing. Basically the move block mechanic should really be fixed. Any ways just thought I would throw that out there.
I am not good at English. I think it can be impregnation scenes.such as ninetales,There could be a chance to cowgril .and egg can be more usefull,such a special trap or monster house can let some of them because a PM enemy. or every floor. they will know 1 or 2 you moves
I am a Japanese who is not good at English, but I am enjoying this game very much. I look forward to future updates. Sending you a message of cheer from Japan! Keep up the good work! (I use DeepL translation, sorry if it is hard to read. )
Thank you <3
I see there's a guide to all endings, but could we have one for all equipment as well? From what I can tell there is only a single equipment that is exclusively beneficial, with all the rest having drawbacks (most too crippling to make the item practical) if not strictly negative.
Since this is just a small demo with lots of balancing to be done, the effects of equipment or even how equipments work as a whole will probably (most likely) change in the next update
So far, the idea was that every equipment that has a negative effect can either be used for certain endings or has a second major upside
Love the game so far hope more Pokémon and also female varients will be added but I do have one question I've explored a lot the furthest I've gotten is floor 31 and yet I still don't know what the pink heart carpet is for anyone know because it bothers me that I can't find out what it's for XD
PS: hope you will add a feature that allows you to use the eggs you gain from the dungeon and have a small chance to hatch them then the little guy might help you in the dungeon like a little follower that does stuff just a thought but great game keep up the excellent work :)
In the next update, someone will claim the pink carpet ^^ So far, it's just there as a small teaser
Now you got me curious can't wait ^^ keep up the good work :)
wow! there's been so much progress since i last checked. Good work!
rune of siphon give much HP. increase 10 MAXHP after you defeating one enemy
I can attest to this too, though more info:
It procs correctly on the first proc, on the 10th enemy, but after that every enemy killed causes it to proc, meaning you can get to absurd healths absurdly quick.
Thank you, I'll get that fixed in the next patch!
The game's save data is stored in AppData/LocalLow/FerisLycan/Pocket Dungeon
Could you try to move or rename it, then try again?
Would be nice to have some enemy females and give the player the ability to top more.
Don't know where else to report bugs, so I'll say it here. I found a freeze using one of the new runes, the one that causes the "explosions". When defeating an enemy with extreme speed, with an enemy behind them, the "explosion" damage will apply, but probably because they're being damaged twice at once by the extreme speed and the "explosion" it causes the game to hang and be unrecoverable.
Here's a screenshot of how it got stuck.
Thank you for reporting, I'll get that fixed in the next patch!
i can't find any impregnation scenes, any hints
Make sure you're a female, and arcanine is the only pokemon who can really impreg in the conventional way. Oh, and make sure it's turned on, of course.
thank you!
If you have oviposition enabled, there are different traps that impregnate the player. Without it, you can only be impregnated by Ditto and Arcanine when being female and having breeding enabled
thanks so much!
I do hope to see more, particularly some scenes that aren't defeats would be nice. There's a market for that, sure, but not all your players are bottoms!
69 days and no update nice :)
Hope it gets updated soon
keep up the good work btw (take your time)
this aged well
Where's the game's save data stored? mine keeps crashing upon any attempt to start it, so that's the only thing i can think of doing after trying most other common solutions.
apparently the fix to this problem is to restart your pc, see that it isn't fixed, then wait for 8 hours for absolutely nothing to change and it to fix itself
Man, with luck like that you could be a really good game dev
Is there currently any player top scene in the demo? I saw the ninetail one but it's essentially still player bottom
no, there is one ending with implied top stuff though
The Haunter special scene is bugged right now, and only occurs when being hypnotized by one (meaning you have to have that kink enabled for it happen). In the scene itself, you get a cage, meaning that you are not allowed to wear one while trying to get it.
The two endings are the Chastity Ending (the lock is inconveniently the same used for the ending sprite) and the other is the Itemized ending. Getting the Chastity Ending requires you to submit to 15 enemies while wearing a cage during one run. The other one requires you to get hit by Itemize, an attack that turns Pokemon into items. You can sometimes get that one from Smeargle.
From which floor can I found Lucarios? And which pokemons can gender transform me?
You are probably talking about Lucario Icon in Sex Scenes, this event occurs with itself. Try to keep Lust at 100 long enough without submit to a pokemon to trigger the event
Thx for fulfill my fantasy dream
I have declined one offer to Mismagius but since I had three curses I got the end of Houndoom.
Oh I didn't think about that, I'll get that fixed in the next version
How do we support this game further?
Not really much you can do, to be honest!
I don't take money for this or have anything else you can support me with, other than following my socials, I guess?
I'm also currently pretty busy and not really able to continue working on this anyways
It looks like you can't cleanse the Curse of Forgetfulness, unlike other curses, is that intentional? If I'd known I couldn't cleanse it, I wouldn't have picked it up.
Also, any chance of being able to flip the script and top/dom the other Pokemon, perhaps by defeating them or using certain items on them?
That's not intentional but rather an oversight by me
Nope, that'd be wayyyy too many animation scenes for this demo
Is there some specific requirement I need for the Haunter bonus scene to happen? It's the only scene I haven't found yet, and at this point I'm at a total loss.
It's a chastity one, if you have that turned off, you can't get it
Other than that, it has a small chance to appear when submitting to it.
Damn. I had everything enabled, and it's not an exaggeration to say I've submitted to Haunter (or was defeated by it) well over a hundred times before giving up and posting this. All kinks, male Lucario, no cage yet. Am I just getting extremely unlucky?
There seems to be a bug right now that only allows this ending to show when getting hypnotized, but not while submitting...
Also these are the exact requirements, the chance should be 10%:
-No chastity cage
-Not impregnated
-Chastity kink must be enabled
Weirdly enough, I've been trying to find this rare crash myself as I've heard about it a few times, but so far I have no idea what's triggering it :c
Also, yeah, might be a good idea to cap certain effects.
Thanks for enjoying this game ^^
Really fantastic game so far! Will more pokemon/kinks be added in the future?
That's the plan! Though it'll be a slow process as other things like adding the town and story have a higher priority right now
I get ya, I'm looking forward to it! You've done a great job so far and I'm excited to see how the game expands :3
I personally want to see a impregnation ending where you get turned into a breeding bitch, think you could add that in a future update?
There already is an ending like that in the game!
Similar, but it's not fully focused on the breeding aspect, as much as it is just getting gang fucked
The Arca...something ending is pretty damn sexy though! But yeah, not super focused on the breeding aspect, moreso just being turned into a sex toy rather then a breeding bitch (there is a difference).
How do I get the secret endings?
Quite a lot of different ways! Levelling down too much, trading more than you have with traders, losing too much intelligence, etc.
So what's the dream ending I've heard about? Also, does each trader have a different ending?
I'll probably make a post about it, detailing how each ending can be gotten
The dream one is getting a lot of different effects and each trader (except for Mightyena) does have an ending tied to them