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wow! there's been so much progress since i last checked. Good work!

rune of siphon give much HP. increase 10 MAXHP after you defeating one enemy 

I can attest to this too, though more info:
It procs correctly on the first proc, on the 10th enemy, but after that every enemy killed causes it to proc, meaning you can get to absurd healths absurdly quick.

Thank you, I'll get that fixed in the next patch!

for some reason I can't get out of the warning screen, when I click on E the game doesn't respond what do I do?

The game's save data is stored in AppData/LocalLow/FerisLycan/Pocket Dungeon
Could you try to move or rename it, then try again?

that worked

Would be nice to have some enemy females and give the player the ability to top more.

Don't know where else to report bugs, so I'll say it here. I found a freeze using one of the new runes, the one that causes the "explosions". When defeating an enemy with extreme speed, with an enemy behind them, the "explosion" damage will apply, but probably because they're being damaged twice at once by the extreme speed and the "explosion" it causes the game to hang and be unrecoverable.

Here's a screenshot of how it got stuck.

Thank you for reporting, I'll get that fixed in the next patch!


i can't find any impregnation scenes, any hints

Make sure you're a female, and arcanine is the only pokemon who can really impreg in the conventional way. Oh, and make sure it's turned on, of course.

thank you!

If you have oviposition enabled, there are different traps that impregnate the player. Without it, you can only be impregnated by Ditto and Arcanine when being female and having breeding enabled

thanks so much!


I do hope to see more, particularly some scenes that aren't defeats would be nice. There's a market for that, sure, but not all your players are bottoms!

(1 edit) (-1)

69 days and no update nice :)

Hope it gets updated soon

keep up the good work btw (take your time)


this aged well


Where's the game's save data stored? mine keeps crashing upon any attempt to start it, so that's the only thing i can think of doing after trying most other common solutions.


apparently the fix to this problem is to restart your pc, see that it isn't fixed, then wait for 8 hours for absolutely nothing to change and it to fix itself


Man, with luck like that you could be a really good game dev

Is there currently any player top scene in the demo? I saw the ninetail one but it's essentially still player bottom

no, there is one ending with implied top stuff though

Deleted 1 year ago

The Haunter special scene is bugged right now, and only occurs when being hypnotized by one (meaning you have to have that kink enabled for it happen). In the scene itself, you get a cage, meaning that you are not allowed to wear one while trying to get it.

The two endings are the Chastity Ending (the lock is inconveniently the same used for the ending sprite) and the other is the Itemized ending. Getting the Chastity Ending requires you to submit to 15 enemies while wearing a cage during one run. The other one requires you to get hit by Itemize, an attack that turns Pokemon into items. You can sometimes get that one from Smeargle.

Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits)

From which floor can I found Lucarios? And which pokemons can gender transform me?


You are probably talking about Lucario Icon in Sex Scenes, this event occurs with itself. Try to keep Lust at 100 long enough without submit to a pokemon to trigger the event


Thx for fulfill my fantasy dream


I have declined one offer to Mismagius but since I had three curses I got the end of Houndoom.

Oh I didn't think about that, I'll get that fixed in the next version


How do we support this game further?


Not really much you can do, to be honest!
I don't take money for this or have anything else you can support me with, other than following my socials, I guess?
I'm also currently pretty busy and not really able to continue working on this anyways

(1 edit) (+1)

It looks like you can't cleanse the Curse of Forgetfulness, unlike other curses, is that intentional? If I'd known I couldn't cleanse it, I wouldn't have picked it up.

Also, any chance of being able to flip the script and top/dom the other Pokemon, perhaps by defeating them or using certain items on them?

That's not intentional but rather an oversight by me

Nope, that'd be wayyyy too many animation scenes for this demo

Is there some specific requirement I need for the Haunter bonus scene to happen? It's the only scene I haven't found yet, and at this point I'm at a total loss.

It's a chastity one, if you have that turned off, you can't get it

Other than that, it has a small chance to appear when submitting to it.

Damn. I had everything enabled, and it's not an exaggeration to say I've submitted to Haunter (or was defeated by it) well over a hundred times before giving up and posting this. All kinks, male Lucario, no cage yet. Am I just getting extremely unlucky?

There seems to be a bug right now that only allows this ending to show when getting hypnotized, but not while submitting...
Also these are the exact requirements, the chance should be 10%:
-No chastity cage
-Not impregnated
-Chastity kink must be enabled

Deleted 1 year ago

Weirdly enough, I've been trying to find this rare crash myself as I've heard about it a few times, but so far I have no idea what's triggering it :c
Also, yeah, might be a good idea to cap certain effects.
Thanks for enjoying this game ^^


Really fantastic game so far! Will more pokemon/kinks be added in the future?


That's the plan! Though it'll be a slow process as other things like adding the town and story have a higher priority right now

I get ya, I'm looking forward to it! You've done a great job so far and I'm excited to see how the game expands :3


I personally want to see a impregnation ending where you get turned into a breeding bitch, think you could add that in a future update?

There already is an ending like that in the game!


Similar, but it's not fully focused on the breeding aspect, as much as it is just getting gang fucked

The Arca...something ending is pretty damn sexy though! But yeah, not super focused on the breeding aspect, moreso just being turned into a sex toy rather then a breeding bitch (there is a difference).

How do I get the secret endings?

Quite a lot of different ways! Levelling down too much, trading more than you have with traders, losing too much intelligence, etc.

So what's the dream ending I've heard about? Also, does each trader have a different ending?

I'll probably make a post about it, detailing how each ending can be gotten
The dream one is getting a lot of different effects and each trader (except for Mightyena) does have an ending tied to them

i disabled corruption/hypnotism and i still get corruption and get hypnotised.

Oh, I forgot to remove the thing saying that corruption is effected by the hypnosis toggle
Hypnosis itself though is a normal Pokemon move just causing sleep if the kink's disabled. Only when enabled it does more than that

Will there be a walk-through? 

(1 edit)

Ever think of adding Lookalike Items? Like in PMD2? For example a Wrap (warp) Seed that binds you, or a Spurm orb (spurn) that fills you with cum or w/e, maybe a Violet (violent) that summons purple pokemon like ditto and haunter lol!

also it kind of sucks that putting enemies to sleep lasts maybe 2 turns at best, when it happens to me it lasts 50 years

(also i found one of the super secret endings, the one about the secret move but is putting enemies to sleep part of the other one? i;m losing my mind here and not in the good way >.<)

Im not sure about the exact conditions, but i think the ending with the 'Zzz' icon is not necessarily related to the sleep effect. For me it triggered while I had tons of different effects active (more than can be displayed at once)

I'm not planning on adding lookalike items
Also, yeah, like one reply says the sleep ending is more about stacking a lot of different effects


I'll be back if this ever gets a apk


That might be in the very far future, probably never

I liked it. always appreciate a good MD type game; even if it is a porn game lol. two things during my run though:

  •  when I got the perk from Umbreon that reduced the buildup rate of lust, it stopped increasing entirely
  • It's pretty powerful to be able to use items while asleep. makes sense for when you eat a chesto berry (what would be the point if not, hah), but I got away on two occasions by eating a warp seed. not that i'm complaining

That rune decreases lust increase from any source by 50% (rounded down). It's made to completely shut down passive lust gain as long as there are no other modifiers. Though I suppose that that might be confusing
The using items while asleep thing is mostly there to make things more fair. Sleep is already incredibly powerful and dangerous and usually you'd have partners to help you out. While it doesn't make much sense, the game would get a pretty big difficult spike without it, I think


This honestly is what I've always wanted as a mystery dungeon NSFW fangame. Really great content and animations. Any criticism I had were probably mentioned before, like the hypnosis/sleep being pretty strong. Perhaps in the future, you could add more cursed equipment and unique traders to make each run feel fresh.

I'm pretty excited for the full version, but don't exhaust yourself too much. Stay Healthy :D

Thank you!!


You don't see egg-insertion or oviposition enough nowadays, awesome stuff!


Agreed! And thank you!

are the special animations about m to f transformations

Two of them are (Ditto, Tentacle Trap). Haunter's special animation is about chastity

I hope there's an update in the future that let's me impregnate enemies/other pokemon.


which can include mpreg <3


There's no plan on adding that in the future, sorry

no plan for impregnating the female enemies or impregnating the male enemies?


Are there any plans to make the enemies able to be female in the future? I like the looks of it, but having the enemies only be considered male is slightly annoying, though I understand it's up to you as the dev what gets added/changed.

Sorry, but I'm not planning on adding that in the near future


Fair enough, you are the dev after all. Still, hope this turns out well for you!

(1 edit) (+1)

Great progress so far.  Only complaint is with sleep and confusion being way too strong.  Just feels so incredibly bad when RNG just ends a run and there's nothing you can do about it.  Made it like 30 floors my first run and just got wombo-combo'd by 3 things in the tiny room i started in spamming confusion and sleep and hadn't seen a single item to cure either effect and even popping both my floor wide sleep item and my everything can't attack item they just recovered from those effects faster than i did and just reapplied what was on me, burned through all my healing items trying to tank through it all and just died.  Had already popped all my teleport items on other instances of confusion cause it was just happening all the time (i can't believe its 15% like stated in a previous comment, was closer to like 50% from my experience).  If damage atleast made you wake up from sleep, and confusion only had a 33% chance to make you attack/move in random directions it would make things so much better.

Edit: Intelligence traps are also really brutal since there doesn't seem to be a way to reverse their effects... just suicided my 2nd run cause i took a regen rune for 2 int damage and then proceeded to hit 2 int traps in like 5 floors making me lose my map and and 90% of all item descriptions and F that... never taking any npc trade getting rid of int ever again.

(1 edit) (+2)

I actually toned it down to 5% in the newest build, buuuut yeah making the player wake up from attacks would make sense to implement, in addition to nerfing confusion

Edit: Yeah, int loss can be really brutal. Though there are plenty of options to reverse their effects. Either by using a Gummi or Cleanse Orb or finding a healing well. There's also one rune that prevents int loss from even happening, though that one is really rare.

I had an odd feeling when other pokemon walking over traps without triggering them. I understand that if they did trigger them gameplay wise they would just make the game easier and all of that. But it kind of made me wonder what would the wild pokemon do if that was an option at all. I get the most of the time it wouldn't change much but hey some extra ideas? Even if F/F isn't your thing.

The problem is that most traps don't really make sense for enemies to trigger them. Traps that trigger scenes like the Tentacle or Slime one or traps that give effects that only effect the player like chastity or gender TF would just do nothing.
One thing that I could add is having the traps only trigger if the player is able to see/placed them and only if the traps does make sense to trigger.
If I remember correctly, enemies in the original try to avoid traps as they are able to "see" them, but I don't really want to implement that...

just me spitballing here but why not an alternate effect for them like the tentacle and slime one stuns for a bit, the gender tf one causing a short confusion effect, the chastity one making the players submit not work on them,


Is there M/M content at all? This looks absolutely glorious.


Yes, all enemies are male or neutral so choose male and all scenes will be m/m

Is there a discord for this game or artist at all?

Nope! So far all I have is a Twitter account :c

today i have a goal to get as far as i can in endless mode and see if anyone can surpass my floor

(4 edits)

Status update LvL 59 floor 49 still running
Update: Lvl 69 Floor 68
Update: Lvl 79 Floor 90

Update: Lvl 84 Floor 100

Update: Lvl 100 Floor 154 Got dream ending (had every effect at once XD)

Congratulations on finding the rarest ending there is!
Never thoughts someone would make it that far, to be honest ^^
What difficulty did you play on?

I was tired of doing easy runs and decided to go for a hard run and just got lucky early game after i got my set i just when till either i was bored or something cool happened and so it did

Deleted 2 years ago

Just a quick reminder for everyone: Go ahead and give this game a good rating. I would encourage you to rate it five stars because of how much effort went into it and how amazing it is of a mystery dungeon NSFW spin off. I'm sure quite a bit of thought went into this considering how smoothly the NSFW aspects were integrated into what is essentially PMD so seamlessly with how well they blend together and bounce off each other.  I have much appreciation to Feris and I think this wonderful work is pretty underrated.


De hecho so pudiera le doy hasta 10 estrellas


what is this?


Don't worry about that. Some antiviruses complain about things that aren't viruses. I've already installed the latest build and my computer doesn't detect anything harmful.


Don't worry, its a false alarm, is perfectly safe (i think)


not nessisarily true. i havent personally gotten viruses in the past, but it must be an issue or else itch wouldent have a sandboxing mode for their web app (its actualy pretty good. i recommend it), but in this case it very like is a false alarm 


Nope. Absolutely not. Always check your downloads. I've downloaded full blown viruses from Some that try to delete window files like System32 (No joke) and plain boring old Crypto miners.


I've downloaded literally hundreds of games off of itch and I've never encountered a single virus.

Unless you're deliberately downloading dozens of extremely shady .exe files with the sole aim of getting a virus, you're very unlikely to actually get one, and even then you're still unlikely to get one.

And even if you do get a virus, if you have a half-decent anti-virus, you'll be safe.

(+1) can host viruses. This isn't disputable. It's a fact.
I don't care to entertain your personal experiences, assumptions or accusations. I'll call it naive and leave it at that.

The fact remains. Is perfectly safe? Absolutely not.
So my comment stands in it's entirety.

That aside - Let's address your final paragraph.
If it's gets to the point where your anti-virus needs to be actively preventing the virus then you've already failed to protect yourself. You've just had a gun pointed to your head and the trigger pulled, but the gun jammed. Do you consider that safe? I certainly don't.

Do your due diligence people.
It's not much in this day and age. Even trusted developers can be compromised. Don't just run every single .exe you download...

At the very minimum, you should be scanning the file prior to executing it. It takes literally seconds.

Anti-Viruses aren't fool proof solutions either. So you shouldn't rely on it as your last line of defence. If you have the know how, set up a sandbox and test new installs there first.

Plus, for the record - one of the viruses I downloaded from had the capability to add itself to the Exclusion list for Windows Defender. It also disguised itself as a windows program amongst various other 'features' it had. Point being; It would bypass the bare minimum of security that most PCs will have by default. Which is already going to be a huge infection success rate.

The claim is safe or that you'd be safe downloading viruses anyway because you should have an anti-virus is so extremely wrong, it's not just stupid it's dangerous and criminally neglient.

All of this though? Besides the point. My original comment you somehow took issue with is 1000% correct and still stands. is NOT perfectly safe. So check your downloads.

I guess I jumped the gun and got a bit defensive, however, I don't honestly think that itch doesn't have a single virus anywhere. People can upload any file they want, so they totally could upload a virus.

However, I've been kicking around on itch for just about 5 years now. I know that Itch isn't a minefield with a virus in every other download. As long as you're cautious about what you download, you should be fine.

Also, if you do encounter a virus, do the right thing and report it as such.

I'll also note, you told people to go and use a sandbox. The itch app does that by default. For the record, that is what I do most of the time, and I recommend it.

Windows Defender should never be used as a last line of defence, I agree, however that's only because any virus that gets off the ground has to be able to bypass it in the first place.

I use Malwarebytes. It is a very good option and is extremely effective at blocking malicious files. Also, Firefox should be noted. Firefox stops you from even opening a downloaded file if it thinks it's suspicious. I'll admit, Firefox isn't a good last line of defence, although it's better than nothing.

Malwarebytes, as far as I can tell, doesn't give a damn about what Windows Defender thinks is okay, since it has its own database. So that sneaky Windows Defender evader would've been obliterated.

Neither Malwarebytes nor Firefox have ever blocked a single thing from itch, although they have protected me in the past on other sites.

Also, your analogy of the anti-virus being like a jammed gun is a little unfair, I'd like to think of it as a lock. Stopping the average joe from breaking in and doing as they please.

A bad anti-virus is a bad lock.
A good anti-virus is a good lock.

Also just to end off, my goal wasn't to start an argument. I understand what I wrote was a little passive-aggressive, but I was just stating my experience, not necessarily trying to downplay yours. I apologise if it sounded that way.

So I've run into a weird bug I can't leave the first screen I've tried everything I can think of but nothing works the game is unresponsive

Same I cannot press E to accept

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