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This is great! I love the pixel style, and you've nailed getting in key details in such low-res. I really hope to see more, especially some more gender-play or tf/bodyswap stuff. Keep up the good work!

Also, has anyone noticed that when you've got full and LP as a male and fall asleep, it looks like you're sucking yourself?

The true ending with all the status effects is rather difficult, any tips on how to get it? What status effects work?

Only-submission role is not really my cup of tea. Would like an option for dominating enemies. Did enjoy the mystery dungeon gameplay, and not wanting to be topped definitely made me a better gamer.


I quite like the game. I have only one issue with it: it doesn't have a mobile version.

Currently my computer is completely fucked, and there is only computer download capabilities on this game.

Now I doubt it would happen since the creator has moved on, but please. Make it playable on other devices somehow if you would 


the game would be so much better if the scenes were less pixalated

great game tho

Deleted post

Love itn but I got to say... Ninetails often snipe me with flamethrower even when aroused made me faint (and lose the run) so many times... perhaps if you don't act (like you sleep, you are bonded or you just press "wait") they might aproach you


I would have loved this game if there was a M/F version, very sad there is none.

How do I win the, Get defeated by "X" pokemon" missions? I never get sent back home so I click the "To Town" Button and fail.

In order to get defeated, you must drop to zero health in a fight.


Can you please continue! I would definitely pay for a full version!


will we ever have female enemies, and let us pick if we want male or female enemies or both?


the game is no longer being updated. But the creator has mentioned some work on a new similar game on their Twitter.


This game was meant for gay's so i doubt it. Sad.

(1 edit)

This really has potential. you should continue or offer it for someone to work on.


Actually, how about a version in Unreal with similar gameplay, but real-time animations? And maybe more for hetero rather than homo/bi?

I'd be willing to give it a go if I could get a decent reference to model off of.

Trying to get the ending where you have a ton of Status effects, anyone got any tips or tricks? Seems really hard to get!


love the game it sucks the the maker stop workin on it

their twitter has updates ^^


na go ther ther x


Yeah, their twitter. XD

was on twiter and you really cant articulate on there... so throwing it here cus charactor limit sucks and when i tried shortening my post it sounded bad tone wise... anyway (for refrence )

well, since you opened the floodgates so to speak, im gonna pitch a few, weight gain, the mystery dungeon games already has a slow effect and where this is a fetish dungeon themeing the status effects on fetish content makes sense, and the first thing when i think of slow is massive weight gain. as for the causes a bad orb seems the most streight forward to me followed by a trap that alters your food items ala the grimer trap. could also have it boost physical defence so its not a totally bad thing... just mostly.

speaking of grimer traps, why not theme the sticky item trap on bukakae? not really my thing but it kinda makes sense could have crossplay with other fetishes such as hypnosis speaking of which...

how about more uses for hypnosis? currently its just used to initiate fun time, but it could be used for more gradual changes that degrade the player's abilitys, attacks replaced on use with less usefull comands like present or missing turns due to posing ero'ly its a good fetish to use to mess with the player as with the player charactor getting warped wouldent the information the player gleans from them also be altered too? perspectives and all that.

sorry for wall o text. just i like to pitch sugestions with use case scenerios that way even if what i sugested just doesnt fit the scenerio could be retooled and reused if it was intresting enough... that and i think its a bit nicer to read then omg add delibird nawo1!1.


when the next update

Never. The game development was abandoned. It's a miracle, that the game is still not deleted. 

(1 edit)

Well judging on their twitter feed the last (Unreleased) game update seems to of been on may 20th, maybe even June 4th if that's meant to be an NPC Profile picture.

Seems they're remaking it, so yippe!

will there be a Mac virsion 

Nope. Developement of the game have stopped year ago. 


Hello, how can I see all the unlocked scenes?


Is there any way of a comunity continuation?


Man, I wish that there is a way to continue after the Ninetales ending. Idk I just enjoy the whole idea of swapping body with another pokemon. ;P

But yeah overall this game is epic man, keep up the good work.


The game was unfortunately cancelled, I spoke to the game creator on Twitter, it's really a shame ;-;

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"

Damn. And no one thought about continuing it? I mean, not like I know anything.. But there was really lot of good ideas and mechanics I didn't saw in others pmd games that are just really interesting here.

But yeah, I guess it's thoses kind of things we will never really got the time to see happens..


How to hatch eggs

Got to say this game is really fun! It has a lot more to it than I first anticipated and I'm still playing months after I downloaded it!  Great work!


If this game ever does get updated I'd love to be able to keep the eggs, if you really dont have the motivation to continue it then can you please find someone who is willing to finish it and pass it on to them? pokemon mystery dungeon was my childhood and its so cool to see an nsfw game like it.

What playable pokemon are currently in the game?


Playable only Lucario, but you can open galery and find all the scenes...

PMD ANNNND horny??? Oh hell yes. Cant wait to see more of this~!

Its cancled xD
there will be no more

Where can I get this chastity cage? Help me!!!
(1 edit) (+2)

Please make more updates? :> this game is so dang good. I really like the non porn mechanics the most. its just so much fun

Well I could do that as I wanna learn creating games but I am not sure if i am capable of this. Like I need some motivation. As that is the only thign holding me back.

how about the motivation that people would pay money to play this you set up a patreon or toss it onto steam

that is always a good motivation. Like I dont know if I am capable. Like I personally got the ability to create stuff in blender but I dont got the expirience.  And learning godot rn. 

also if you aloud us to pay for different main characters lucario is nice but im more of a Feraligatrkinda guy

well you know like making new characters like pay to win games could be nice but I would go for a pay me so I got enough free time to do it approach.

also some dom scenes id like the ability to fuck back like if you throw a love berry you can have sex were your on top idk just feels a bit annoying that i went in thinking i would be top here and there then i find out that im perma stuck as a subby bottom :[

well I could do it like making a patreon with a memorable name. Like I can but it takes alot of time and still learning godot. 


Does anyone know how to get a corruption Orb? I want to get the rest of the corruptions from Hazel- qwq

It might appear from the store, but personally I just look at the map and take everything I can then return with an orb, like a loot goblin who struggles with abandoning loot. Should appear eventually, but I don't know any specifics

You can actually get it in sylveons store


sad it's not getting updated. would've loved having maybe a child system with the eggs so they aren't just an inventory filler and maybe the ability to switch between having a cookie and having human-ish genitals when female


wait what? the game is not gonna be updated anymore? that stinks... this was a really good game...


really cool game, sad that the project wont get continued :/

yeah :( been looking for something like this for awhile now and theres potential for so much more here


cool game but yall know nintendo gonna kill 

Deleted 343 days ago


(1 edit)

any tip?


For some reason it is super hard to even use moves in this game which is really annoying. It's like the controls don't work and the game itself is just unplayable to be honest when having this problem. I even tried to change the controls to my liking and it didn't even help at all.


this is my first time downloading a game, can somebody pleas give me more detaled instructions on how to start it up?

Did you download Itch or do it right from the internet?

This is a tip on how to download and start the game but be warned that I am not a computer expert and don't know much about computer safety.


If you did it from the internet it should be in your files, go check it should be in downloads.

Once you get to downloads locate the game and right click on the file containing it.

You should now see something that says "open with WinZip".

Now search for something that just says "WinZip"

Hover your arrow over it till you see more options pop up.

I think you now press "Unzip to here."

You probably know what to do next.

My free trial ended and I don't remember how to do most of this stuff.


 If you did it from the app it should be in library. 


If you are asking how to download it if you didn't already click download and press no thanks, just take me to the downloads and click on the version for you. If that still doesn't work you could download the app because for some reason when I tried to download something from the internet it would say "Network Error".


I dont see anything that says "winzip". I see 7-zip, but no winzip.

(1 edit) (+2)

Do the same thing but with 7-zip. hover over the button till you see more options. I believe it should be "Extract to "file Name" and or just extract the files exactly. Just a reminder I only learned this from messing around with 7-zip so my advice may not be perfect.

If it still doesn't work you may want to seek some advice from YouTube.

If that still doesn't work I am sorry that I couldn't help.


With my level of experience (i.e. none), any help is greatly appreciated.


Did you get it?


Come back in 8 years when you are an adult.

(1 edit) (+5)

I'm 28

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